membership Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Valley of Utica - Scottish Rite, NMJ! To continue your journey toward more light & brotherhood, we invite you to fill out an application with your personal details and symbolic lodge information. You can pick up an application at the Utica Masonic Hall OR download the form below and mail the application back to us at Valley of Utica, 251 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13501. You can also fill out a petition online - just click here.
If you have any questions, please contact the office.
Begin Your Journey to 32°
Journey deeper into the core values of Freemasonry by joining Scottish Rite Freemasonry. You will be part of a network of Brothers who seek to be the best version of themselves, expand their sense of purpose, and be of service to the world and our fellow man. Building upon the lessons learned in Blue Lodge, the core values and 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite unite us in our quest to become better men and better Masons.
Why Should You Become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason? Hear From Our Members … (COMING SOON!)
How Do I Become a 32° Scottish Rite Freemason?
In order to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, you must first be a Master Mason. If you are not yet a Freemason, visit BeAFreemason.org to learn more and take the first step.
Scottish Rite membership is open to all Master Masons in good standing with their Symbolic or Blue Lodge, who wish to expand their understanding of the teachings found in the first three Degrees of Masonry.
The Valley Secretary will review your application and send you more information on the membership process.
Once you are approved as a degree candidate, you must attend a 4° date or reunion to be initiated as a Scottish Rite Mason.
Finally, to become a 32° Scottish Rite Mason, you must receive a minimum of five Scottish Rite degrees. You must receive the 4° and 32°, along with three additional degrees that focus on 32° Freemasonry’s core values. These degrees can be received online or in-person. While not required, most men go on to view all 29 Scottish Rite degrees in the future to complete their passport.
What’s Next?
The Scottish Rite degrees are generally dramatized for candidates throughout the year – during Scottish Rite “Reunions” which are held each Spring and Fall (if possible). Reunions conclude with a banquet where you and your lady or guest will enjoy the fellowship of the men who shared the same Scottish Rite initiation experience as you and are waiting to meet you and to welcome you to the brotherhood.
Once you are a Scottish Rite Mason, you can avail yourself of numerous opportunities for personal growth. You may join the degree team and work to pass the lessons you have learned from our degrees on to new generations of men. You may prefer to get involved in managing the organization, chairing or serving on committees, leading one of Scottish Rite’s many charitable, recreational or educational projects, or just enjoy your participation as a member.
Also, each year, Scottish Rite Officers plan events and activities designed to involve Mason’s and their families – there are even activities for the children to enjoy, too!
Whatever you choose, you’ll be associating with men who enjoy sharing their skills with others, working together toward common goals, and making this world a better place because they willingly worked to improve it.
Please accept our invitation to petition the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Utica today!