Congratulations to our own illustrious wayne allen, 33° on receiving “The Scottish Rite Medal for Masonic Service”
During the March Executive Committee Meeting, Wayne Allen had the privilege of his daughter, Heidi Venero, and family, join the virtual meeting to present this honor to her Dad. Wayne thanked all who were present and noted he was not only surprised but humbled and honored to not only receive but to even be considered by Supreme Council and the Valley for the award and distinction.
Character, dedication, hard work, a lending hand are a few of the many words that describe Wayne. His journey began in 1959 with NY DeMolay, receiving their highest honor, the Legion of Honor in 1985. As a member of Oriental-Faxton Lodge, he served as the youngest Master in 1972 and continues to serve as a Trustee since 2003. Another momentous occasion for Wayne was receiving the Wendell K. Walker “Builder of Men” Award by Grand Master William Thomas in 2016 for his long and meritorious service to the Masonic Fraternity as a “Builder of Men and Masons.” As a member of the Shriners, he served as Potentate and Recorder of Ziyara Shriners in Utica and is a member of Tigris Shriners in Syracuse.
Being a 46 year member of the Valley of Utica, Wayne has worn many different hats. He fulfilled his responsibilities such as Sovereign Prince in 1980 and Commander in Chief in 2012-14. Wayne was Coroneted a 33° Mason and Honorary Member of AASR Supreme Council in 2015. He is currently serving as Treasurer of the Valley and Valley Trustee. He is a member and Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Children’s Dyslexia Center, Inc—CNY and its Corporate 32° Masonic Center Board. He is also Treasurer of the COD – New York State Scottish Rite Charities, Inc.
Wayne is an prominent example of what a Brother should embody. One can only hope to achieve his successes!